Reprographics Studios

Our reprographics studios are comprehensively equipped and managed by our experts, taking beverage can designs from the initial concept stage to production-ready artwork.

Located in Europe, 中东, and North America, our studios ensure that reprographic and proofing work is included in the metal packaging process prior to production. The facilities enable customers to have hands-on involvement alongside on-site experts to produce finished packages that create brand differentiation on the shelf.

Why use our studios?

Three Strategic Locations

我们的你.S. location (Ambler, PA) caters to all the design needs for beverage customers in North America while our dedicated studios in Leicester, 英国和迪拜, UAE work as one for our beverage customers in Europe, 中东, and North Africa. 

Map image with point in Amber, PA; Leicester, UK; Dubai UAE
Area for customers containing two grey couches, a can display area, and table with red chairs.

Stay Productive in Private Workspaces

Customers are welcome to spend the day in our comfortable workspaces while the team prepares their designs. A day at the studio puts customers at the heart of the proofing process while allowing them to stay connected to their daily business activities in our dedicated private rooms. 

Reprographics Stations

Each Mac operator scrutinizes and converts the files into a print-ready beverage can design. 

Male presenting person sits at a desk on a computer. Working on artwork for various cans.
Plate making machine equipment. Large printer and work table with screens.

Plate Making Machine (CTP & HQP / DLE)

Our plate makers work from the supplied reprographic files to engrave the printing plates. 


Ink representatives are on-site to develop and match new inks according to individual requirements. 

Male presenting person standing at a work station desk while matching ink samples. Shelves with various can displays sit on the wall.
Wet proofing station including various sized rollers in all different colors for mixing.

Proofing Equipment - Pilot Press/Wet Proofing

Any design can be printed on all beverage can formats. Our presses imitate the printing conditions in all 云顶集团糖果游戏 beverage can plants. 

Proofing Equipment - Digital Printing (U.S. 唯一的)

The design is digitally printed onto beverage cans. 

Digital printing chamber. Large with three windows.
7 male presenting people collaborating and talking around a sample of a beverage can.

专家服务 & 支持

Our goal is to partner with customers from the beginning of a project to help streamline the design process. Every member of our staff is an expert in their respective field, from reprographic operators, customer service personnel, proofing operators, technicians and plate makers. The entire team works hand-in-hand to ensure the success of every project. Our on-site ink representatives can also develop and match new inks upon request.